CARES Certification achieves SAC accreditation
CARES Certification Pte. Ltd. achieves SAC accreditation and becomes the first accredited certification body in Singapore for In-situ Post Tensioning Works.
The Certificate of Accreditation is awarded by the Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) to ISO/IEC 17065:2012 for product conformity certification under accreditation no. PD-2022-23.
This significant achievement is further recognition of CARES’ extensive experience and expertise as the world’s leading independent provider of assured certification for the constructional steels industry. Additionally, CARES Certification Pte. Ltd scope of SAC accreditation for steel products includes SS 560:2016Specification for steel for the reinforcement of concrete – Weldable reinforcing steel – Bar, coil and decoiled product. Existing certificates of approval for SS 560:2016 issued by CARES under accreditation no. PD-2018-17 (UK Certification Authority for Reinforcing Steels) are being transferred to CARES Certification Pte Ltd. CARES has notified certificate holders of these changes.
CARES Certification Pte. Ltd. is listed on the SAC website at:
CARES Certification Pte. Ltd. accreditation schedule can be downloaded from the SAC website at:
For more information about CARES Certification Pte. Ltd. please visit our website at: