CONSTRUCT Peter Campbell Sustainability Lecture


CARES is delighted to be attending the Peter Campbell Sustainability Lecture next week to hear how innovation is turning low carbon building targets into engineering reality. 

This important lecture – marking the work of a distinguished structural engineer and Honorary President of CONSTRUCT Concrete Structures Group – will learn from key industry figures on progress underway in reducing the embodied carbon in concrete frames, while maintaining all the benefits of concrete. This work is critically important to achieving construction’s sustainability goals, said CARES CEO Lee Brankley. 

“We are very pleased to be working closely with CONSTRUCT on decarbonisation of the built environment and reduction of embodied carbon in reinforced concrete structures,” he added. 

Speakers from Laing O’Rourke, Berkeley Group and Breedon Southern Ltd are set to chart the route towards net-zero goals in the design, delivery and breakthroughs in low carbon offsite concrete production. 

The Peter Campbell Biennial Lecture was established to mark Peter’s extensive contribution to the industry over a distinguished career, which included his role as Honorary President of CONSTRUCT. This is the first lecture to take place since Peter’s death two years ago. 

The lecture is being hosted at the Institution of Civil Engineers on Thursday May 11th.